Friday, January 11, 2008

Where to go #4

If you know me, you know that I like music. One of my favorite bands out there that is still making music is The Polyphonic Spree of Dallas, Texas. They around two dozen people in the group, depending on the availability of the musicians. Tim DeLaughter is the frontman for the band and is the lead singer, senior songwriter, and sometimes play guitar or piano on their albums. There's a 10-voice choir, a couple guitars, a bass, two keyboards, a theremin, a harp, a cello, a violin, and two soundboards pulling it all together. Of course, there are people attached to all that stuff. I've probably missed a few insturments too. If you haven't heard this group, I suggest you head over to their website and check them out. When you do, you'll want more and more until you end up following them on tour. I highly recommend you go to one of their live shows, they are incredible. Some of their live shows are on YouTube, too. As a fun little bonus, I've embedded the music video of one of their earlier, classic songs. Hope you enjoy!

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